Essential Keys to Reclaim Your Vibrant Life

Unlocking the Headache Mystery, Essential Keys to Reclaim Your Vibrant Life is chocked with insight, methods, and unusual perspectives about healing chronic headaches, including migraines. Here, you will find facts and research mingling with personal and relevant stories. The first section of the book contains the basics of pain release. The last section takes a deep dive into core issues rarely discussed in the world of medicine.

This volume is the alchemization of knowledge gained through my stays in renowned facilities (The Diamond Headache Clinic, The Cleveland Clinic, The Friary), neurologists like Dr. David Buchholz, (Johns Hopkins Medical), and my academic education in anatomy, physiology, and psychology. It was fueled by a fascination with the mind-body connection and mystery, and completed thru studies in alternative healing methods and hard-won experiences that proved the body’s innate ability to know, reveal, and heal.

As it turns out, my journey wasn’t just for me—it was for you.

About Elizabeth


Elizabeth found ways to heal her chronic headaches and helps others do the same.  In Unlocking the Headache Mystery, Essential Keys to Reclaim Your Vibrant Life, she explores truths about healing through a mix of research, fact, storytelling, and memoir, revealing ways to reach past headaches to embrace life through inventiveness and self-discovery.

Her life path has included several areas of focus, including education, social service, acting, dance, and alternative therapeutic practices. Her list of accomplishments in these fields is extensive. Credits include  a national award for design and implementation of the Alpha arts-in-education program for at-risk youth and arts-in-education grants in Santa Fe schools. She won a 2004 Walter Spara Writing Award for creative non-fiction, has been frequently featured in Parents and Kids Magazine of the Gulf Coast, and ghostwritten several memoirs. She is a member of The Screen Actor’s Guild and teaches acting to empower authenticity, academic achievement, and positive behaviors in youth. She promotes authenticity, health, and peace through writing, speaking, and facilitating workshops and group and individual sessions.

Elizabeth’s fascination with the mind-body-spirit connection was informed by experiences as a competitive athlete (Junior Olympics gymnast, Southeastern Karate Association ranked Black Belt) dancer, pianist, and writer, and was underwritten by a rich exposure to a family of creatives, artists, and students of the spiritual that built a solid foundation for connecting with the unseen. Her education in Sports Science and Educational Psychology supported her later work as an empath, healer, and Reiki Master with a penchant for headache release. She also studied Polarity Therapy, massage, emotional healing protocols, and experienced technologies like neurofeedback core brain training, and AVE (Audio Visual Entrainment).

From The Diamond Headache Clinic to the Cleveland Clinic and The Friary, to solo cross-country journeys revealing mystery and miracle, Elizabeth examined a broad range of causes of headaches and solutions to release complex chronic head pain. In discovering how to heal her own headaches, Elizabeth discovered ways to help others heal theirs. She now teaches headache release through workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions.

Author Note: Acknowledging that each individual brings unique factors to their personal headache dilemma, basic “rules” apply—both the concrete and the unnamable. Although the world within each body and mind is highly variable, at the core, most people are born in, and can return to, health and joy. My mission is to assist each person return to a life of authenticity, peace, and enthusiasm.